The Washington Adventure!

A new adventure in faith has turned my life upside down. It all started back in November of 2011. I had been working out early in the mornings (surprised?  me too!) Anyway, after working out, I got into this great routine:  I’d find this nice, quiet place in the gym and spend some time reading my bible and praying.  I was really feeling connected to God.   One morning, I had remembered a prayer that my friend Terry likes to use:  “God, please tell me what is the Next Right Thing to do”.  Now this, my friends… is a dangerous prayer.  But that morning, that was my prayer.  I said, “God you just tell me what is the Next Right Thing to do for you, and I will do it.”

Now folks, Lily Tomlin has this great line:
“Why is it that when we talk to God, they say call that  ‘praying’,
but when God talks to us, they call us schizophrenic?”

Well, at the risk of sounding schizophrenic, I think God talked to me.  I think He said, Continue reading “The Washington Adventure!”

Be a leaf

red_leafWho doesn’t love seeing the beauty of the leaves changing color in Autumn?  It always makes me reflect on why God would go to the trouble of making leaves so pretty before they die. I mean, it seems like it would have been easier to just drop the leaves without changing color; or maybe just take all the color out if them: let the leaves turn gray or black as death and let them drop to the ground.

But I think God chose to make Autumn beautiful on purpose. Continue reading “Be a leaf”

The real joy of kite-flying

kiteI think that God is constantly trying talk to us.  I think that He wants to guide us.  The tough part is finding time alone where life is quiet enough to hear him.  One of the more successful ways for me to do that is to go fly a kite. I really enjoy flying kites.  The kites I fly are “stunt kites” which basically means that they have two lines instead of one.  That means that you can make them do loop-de-loops, dives, and all kinds of fun maneuvers.  The bottom line is that you have a lot more control over the kite. And — I’ll admit it — I have control issues.    Today, I had the day to myself and nobody to remind me of all my responsibilities and grown-up issues.  So I took the time to go fly my kite.  And I think God used that time to talk to me…

Continue reading “The real joy of kite-flying”